The room block of this volume backwards tona the social history of romantic literature and uses to advantage to leave in explicit work of the sort notice, finishing with an introduction the semantics and its concepts, this varies in the fifth unit that emphasizes the realism and its segments, but centers it in the grammatical forms since the punctuation until the morfossinttica analysis of the words or conjuncts. In the sixth unit the book continues the literary boarding now working the language of music, and follows with the argumentativo text, now strengthening the verbal agreement in the literal constructions. Already in the seventh unit the language is lighter and of the space for the literature that comes folloied of more varieties in the productions. At last, this didactic volume still contains excellent illustrations that motivate the pupil and varied fan of suggestions to support the professor in classroom, offering interactive resources on complementary literature of other authors, lectures, sites, teatrais parts, musics, cinema, among others that they facilitate the search for the knowledge of the new in the pertaining to school life. When analyzing book above described to compare it with the approaches and metodolgicas boardings presented by the authors.
I polished Da Silva and Beatriz Paula, is perceived that the didactics of the book still needs to be adapted by the professor in classroom, depending on each situation, mainly in what the avaliativa part of the pupil says respect, therefore as Vygotsky affirms, the language is responsible for the estruturao of the mind, not being able to happen alone, then it fits to the professor to guide its pupils in the teach-learning, that is, the professor it must be partner of the pupil in this construction and searchs for the knowledge, established in always dialgica relation, as it emphasizes the author Pablo Freire in its book, Pedagogia of the Oppressed one. Of this form, to work the logical reasoning with the pupils being prevented ‘ ‘ decorebas’ ‘ , but taking to think them it about the construction of its ideas, the professor carries through this so important paper of mediator of the knowledge, thus obtaining, resulted satisfactory in its pupils preparing them for satisfactory an academic and professional future. CONCLUSION It is seen therefore that the construction of education if makes efficient when it has a set of elements that contribute for the structural development of the mind of the pupils in the schools and the content programmarian of the PORTUGUESE book: LANGUAGES (2003), of William authors Robert Cereja and Thereza Cochar Magalhes bring obtain interesting suggestions that involve these elements such as the language, literature, the textualidade and the grammar that can be applied in classroom. It was observed that the book is divided block-type of studies being that each one plays a peculiar function in the formation of the student and the professor must be partner of the pupil in this construction and searchs for the knowledge, established in always dialgica relation so that from this principle both can have success in its professional and academic life.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Cherry, William Robert, Portuguese: languages: volume only William Robert Cherry, Thereza Cochar Magalhes. So Paulo: Current, 2003. Morosov, Ivete, Martinez zeggio Juliana; The didactics of education and the evaluation of the learning in foreign language. Ibepex, 2008. (Methodology of Ensino de Portuguese and Foreign Lngua). Paula, Ana Beatriz, Da Silva I polished Of the Carmo Rita; Didactics and Evaluation in Portuguese and Foreign Language. Ibepex, 2008. (Methodology of Ensino de Portuguese and Foreign Lngua).