Hospital Infection

Luceny Freitas Blacksmith Hospital Infection Summary the hospital infection (I H) became important doctor-social complication, generating problems ethical-legal, causing diverse damages, not only for the unit as for the customer. Two types of infection exist, hospital and the not hospital one. The National Agency of Vigilncia Sanitria (ANVISA) started to define the IH as being Infections Acquired in Services of Sade (IASS), but not yet contemplating the procedures of domiciliary assistance. Word-key: Infection, ethical-legal, ANVISA, assistance. Margaret Loesser Robinson has plenty of information regarding this issue. 41.html ‘>Steven P Rosenthal. Introduction Is clear that in our day the day, inside of the context of the rendering of services to the health, some questions are presented when the subject Infeco Hospitalar (IH) is placed in question: what it means? Which are the main causes? How to make for preveniz them? To who the task fits to prevent and/or to control the hospital infection? That complications can have with the process to take care of? How it must be the formation of the nurse to carry through the control of the hospital infection? To answer these questions it will be necessary to understand that the hospital infection belongs to an area of knowledge with boarding to multidiscipline and that the experience accumulated throughout the years has finished with a myth series and fetiches regarding the related subject. It is unquestionable that the health professional much less the hospital would contaminate voluntarily its patients, but the non-observance of some basic principles of the control of the hospital infections can have drastic consequences. Thus, it is of extreme importance to have inside professional conscientious, working in team, respecting each one of its functions, modernizing themselves frequently and acquiring a capacity of if auto-evaluating. The hospital infection (I H) became important doctor-social complication, generating ethical-legal problem, causing diverse damages, being for surgical patients one of the causes most frequent of mortality related to the cited process. The bacteria are the main .causing microorganisms of this infection, where if they can cite patgenos as micrococus, enterobactrias, anaerobes and others..