Brazil State

The prominence of the state of So Paulo in the Brazilian economic scene is well-known. The grooving wealth of many forms in the So Paulo lands became in the Southeastern region, that had promoted the development of the coffee farmings, of the progress of the cattle one and the agriculture in a general way. But the considered state the propellant of the Brazilian economy was more beyond, ' it industrialized the Brasil' , he was decisive for the sprouting and the implantation of the art contemporary in the national scene and without hesitating, all divided historical of conquests receiving immigrant of all the parts of the world. Anonymous unsatisfied in its native lands, that had found in ground Brazilian and in ground necessarily So Paulo, one I fondle only provided for a mother. In these lands, its families had been able to create, had acquired wealth, restored the dignity with work very, they had been multiplied and they despertaram an impetus of happiness and development in peoples of other Brazilian regions.

Following the trajectory ' vencedora' of Italians, Japanese, Germans, Arabs – northeasterns and northerners conclamaram ' invaso' the So Paulo. It was the taking of territory in work search, development and hope of a better life. To the step that the economic development advanced, So Paulo also blunted as one of the states icons in Brazil, supplier of trends, creating and implanting laws that came of meeting to the economic-social growth. Stoned traditions and customs, rigid and efficient norms had been created to contain the dissemination of discriminatory and prejudiced acts, but also the sprouting of new forms of treatment and diversity in the direction of the words: equality and respect. In ' pillar of sustentao' of this continuous growth they are: the northeasterns and northerners. Accustomed ' services grosseiros' without much alternative, collaborates with tenacity, donating its sweat in favor of the So Paulo progress. They live to the edge of the local society, visas only as basic parts for the rejected man power, are classified regionally and many times have its naturalness ignored for the social environment in that they live. In some cases, many of them nor if identify more, therefore it has much time already are not called by the Christian name. It is fact that the state of So Paulo continues providing to wonders the federacy, fits the population to make to be valid all the reciprocity of respect and humildade brought for the northeasterns and northerners.