Adolescence And Family

Learning (UESB), professor of geography in the municipal public Potion net – Bahia; After-graduating Management of the Innovation in Public Sector email: carlosoliveira80@ Summary: this work aims in first plan to clarify explicit the problems that can together be lived deeply by an adolescent with its family, deals with a work of research with based theoretical recital in authors Fierro, (1995) and Outeiral, (1994). Words key: Adolescent, family and education. Introduction: It is in the family who the adolescent espelha to get good customs and good education to coexist inside of the society being respected the familiar principles of this form requires of the family a structure come back toward the education of this adolescent, therefore in such a way it can contribute for a good education as it will be able to contribute for the desestruturao of the adolescent. From the interaction adolescent family/, it will go to construct its moral principles, thus molding its identity in accordance with members of a family. Here, San Antonio Spurs expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In this A stage the family must follow its development and guide it in the direction to form a positive personality, therefore if in case that this is not made of forms a problematic adolescent, mainly in the social environment and familiar, to put this she will depend of the proper personality on the adolescent, the social environment and the family, because a very desestruturada family can occur to have adolescents without conflicts. The example of this: it was that Pedagogo of the propaganda in the Globe of Television that already was street boy, but knew to choose optimum for it, whereas many have chances but they do not want uses to advantage. The emancipation in relation to the family, however, in the same way does not produce in all the adolescents. Immediately, the practical ones of creation differ very from a family for the other, not favoring in the same way the autotomia of the children, when they arrive at this age..