United Nations

In the phase of institucional segregation, the attendance to these people was offered in specific institutions. ‘ ‘ The idea was to provide, inside of the institutions, all the possible services since the society did not accept to receive deficient people in the existing services in comunidade’ ‘ (SASSAKI, 1999 P. 31).

Ahead of this scene, some countries in development, had created specialized environments as schools and centers of whitewashing, among others, specifically to take care of the carrying people of necessities special. It is verified, then, from there a certainty, concern with the institutionalization of ‘ ‘ education especial’ ‘ , with the approval of the governments, much even so having the inexistence of directed public politics. The first movements of social integration, for search of the inclusion of the carrying people of necessities special in the society, as in the education, work, family and leisure, date of middle of century XX, with the sprouting of a movement in favor of ‘ ‘ social integration of the people with necessities special, ‘ ‘ From this important movement that consecrated the inclusion in the schools is that the people with necessities special had conquered its space in the social world. Currently the inclusion became a world-wide movement. The commitment of the countries with the inclusive education that if gave in 2000, when heads of state and ministers of the education had United Nations assumed the public commitment during the conference carried through in the Thailand, organized for the UNICEF in partnership with UNESCO and for the Program of Development of the Organization of and the World Bank, whose objective age to reach ‘ ‘ Education for Todos’ ‘ in the year of 2000. They appear then as alternative for the educational attendance, the classrooms special inside of the regular schools, in a conception of normalization, in which all person with necessities special, has the right to try a life style that would be ‘ ‘ natural’ ‘ to its culture.