Special Cork Floor Finishing

And all because the tube does not get old and rot. Special care cork floor covering is also not required. Just use the vacuum cleaner or damp cleaning with the use of soft materials and detergents. Wall coverings can simply wipe with a damp cloth. Cork finish and pets – who wins? What are you doing "? By the way, if you cover the cork floor layer protective lacquer, cats, dogs, turtles and other indoor living creatures with sharp claws at all desire can not cause damage to surface. Can I lay the plug on "warm floor"? You can, but do not have to! Why? In fact, cork flooring and so warm. Defeats the purpose of the hottest sex, because tube retains heat.

Therefore it is recommended to lay the technical cork under floor heating. If you still want to put a cap on the warm floor, you have to take into account the fact that what might happen Plow material and tile detached from the base. Cork floors. Cork floors – ideal for your home. Wide choice of unique design allows you to design a floor coverage of the tube. For any choice of the result will not disappoint you. Children will walk barefoot on warm and pleasant to touch the floor, dishes almost stops beating, when it falls. If the house playing music, then its neighbors will not hear, due to sound quality cork. Interest in the floor coverings of cork is steadily growing. Because this type of product miraculously combines the harmony of nature and unique characteristics.