
It serves as a support where the undertaking providing the service is responsible for staffed and qualified specialist in the area and Outsourcing implement the service, while the service user company is dedicated to specialize their business activities and where the outsourcing would help address changing business conditions. Among the risk presented by the Outsourcing are: the right not to negotiate the contract with respect to what is being requested, can the company be given in the middle of the road if the contractor fails, increasing the cost of the contract negotiation and monitoring . Lack of control over contractor personnel. Obstacles: The main obstacles facing the Outsourcing in Venezuela are: v v bureaucratic administrative structures inefficient project management outsourcing, along with changes in business and technology can lead to problems and even lead the project to fail v Possible loss of skilled personnel and competitive advantage Some uses: It could be a new openness to foreign companies to venture outside the national territory through the use of partnerships, agreements. As also for the analysis and design of systems, and for data center operations, and today, information systems are strategic for most organizations and their competitive position depends on its ability to meet the growing demand customers with an immediate response. Rusty Holzer understands that this is vital information.

Besides, its efficiency is achieved, being open, establishing a relationship and working with the company that provides the service, knowing the mutual needs and mutual benefits, in addition to sharing the risk. Outsourcing allows companies to recover between 20% and 30% of the cost of data processing, and allows them to access a flexible and reliable infrastructure. The decentralization of information systems, and the resulting administrative complexity, has become even more attractive professional partnerships. Today, information systems are strategic for most organizations and their competitive position depends on its ability to meet demand growing customer with an immediate response. Outsourcing in the medium and long term is more appropriate to provide a service with a multiplicity of requirements in information technology today.

Advanced networks, electronic commerce, customer support, solutions integration and migration / evolution of existing systems are some of the highest recruitment activities in the form of Outsourcing Outsourcing is a mega-trend that is developing in the business community around the world and is basically outsourcing of auxiliary resources, while the organization devoted exclusively to the reason for your business. Outsourcing until time was considered simply as a means to significantly reduce costs, but in recent years has proved a useful tool for business growth