Newsletter created! It would seem, can breathe a sigh of relief and relax. However, all is not as simple and rosy as we would like. Naturally, that did a great job and it must necessarily come to fruition. It is well will! That alone is worth a stop there? Even if everything was done correctly: create a wonderful title, written by an attractive description and occupied a worthy place in the directory service dispatches, it will Is THIS the desired amount of subscribers? NO! And no again! Firstly, because subscribers do not happen enough, and the more there are, the more you want, and secondly, the work done is simply not enough to achieve good results. Why! A little rest and back to work! Now let’s look at some proven ways to attract new subscribers to his newsletter. Tested, because their effectiveness is proved in practice Many authors who have to its credit more than one thousand subscribers. Some of these methods, I also already checked, and the others I have yet to come, but somehow I have to write about them in this article.
I can not hide from you much valuable information. To begin with, we list them, and then consider a more detailed discussion of each. 1.Razmeschenie subscription form on your site. 2.Establishing own pages for the mailing. 3.Predostavlenie bonuses and gifts subscribers. 4.Reklama in dispatches by other authors. 5.Obmen subscription form with the mailing list of similar subjects.