Not Tea Stop

Don’t let that you end of the day without having grown a little, without having been happy, without having increased your dreams. Don’t be overcome by discouragement. Don’t let anyone take you right to express yourself, that it is almost a must. Do not abandon the desire to do something extraordinary in your life. Don’t believe that the words and the poesiassi can change the world. Matter what our essence is intact. We are creatures full of passion.

Life is desert and oasis. Knocks us down, we hurt, teaches us, it becomes protagonistasde our own history. Although the wind blowing against, the powerful work continues: you can contribute a stanza. Don’t ever dream, because dreams man is free. Do not fall into the worst of mistakes: the silence.The majority live in a dreadful silence. You not resignes.

He flees. I beam my screams by the roofs of this world, the poet says. He appreciates the beauty of simple things. Beautiful poetry about small things can be done, but we can not rowing against ourselves. That transforms life into a hell. Enjoy the panic that Te provocatener la vida por delante. Live intensely, not mediocrity. Thinks that it is the futuroy faces the task with pride and without fear. Learn from those who can teach you. The experiences of those who we precedieronde our dead poets society, help you to walk through life. People such as Ken Kao would likely agree. We are today’s society: the living poets. Don’t let life pass you to it, unless you live it don’t stop attributed to Walt Whitman. Alleged translated version of Leandro Wolfson. Original author and source of the article