Moisturizing Skin

The skin is our outermost layer, our wrapper. Protects us and separates us from the outside, but at the same time, it allows communication, interaction and perception. Its main function is to prevent the entrance of pathogens, regular body temperature and keep us hydrated. SKIN layers is divided into three layers which are the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis (the innermost of all). In the epidermis are keratinocytes, which are cells that are born in the base of the epidermis, and as they develop, they advance towards the surface where die and form the cornea, very rich in lipid layer and that the time, not allow bacterial growth prevents the output of water out, mean, which keeps the skin hydration.

If any injury or allergen the skin, this will be responsible for also cause a signal to the immune system. In the dermis are Collagen fibers that are renewed at a speed slower than the keratinocytes. This is the layer responsible for providing elasticity and firmness of the skin. Finally, the hypodermis is the most produnda layer of the skin and therein resides the adipocytes, basically formed by fat cells and that serve as a buffer of physical damage, reserves of energy and temperature control. TYPES of skin many times, when we are asked about our skin type can have doubts about this one, since there are many factors that make it change over time (age, pathology, acne, geography, lifestyle, etc.). In summary, there are 4 types of skins in broad terms that we will define briefly: Normal skin: the person does not have visible injuries, there is no feeling of displeasure.

It is uniform and there is no allergic problems. Oily skin: Is a type of skin that has been established at puberty, when the level of androgens increases the production of sebaceous glands and consequently there are more fat in the skin. The skin becomes thick, glossy and points of sabaceos follicles are visible, are dilated. Dry skin: The skin is not uniform. They exist cracked and peeling areas. In addition, the skin is tight even to produce an unpleasant sensation in the person. Combination skin: Is a type of skin that combines the oily skin with dry skin. That is, there are areas with a greater presence of fats and others, for example, are cracked. Having dry skin is synonymous with that I need water? This is without doubt one of the first questions that people do. In many cases, the water in the skin is not retained and escapes because fails the structures that maintain hydration. What matiena then hydration? In dermatology two main structures are known as they are the Factor of Natural hydration (FHN), which is composed of protein, urea, lactates, uric acid, ammonia, sugars and other organic acids that are responsible for retaining water inside the dead keratinocytes. Currently, hyaluronic acid also plays a very important role in the capture of water into the cells. Lipids of keratinocytes go out to the outside when they die and form other responsible structure, an impermeable layer composed of fatty acids, cholesterol and ceramides that prevent the passage of water through cells. Do you like this information? Then visit us at RosadeMosqueta.