Media Performance

This work has for purpose to show to the performance of the media front to a society that if bases on the new. Moreover, the consequncia of the wild performance or a lack of concern with the information repassed for this important way of information searchs to answer by means of research which, entertainment. In this direction it has left of the search to know the origin of the media thus to obtain to arrive at the result or to a possible reply it dispatches by post the question: A manipulated society? This work has for purpose to show to the performance of the media front to a society that if bases on the new. Moreover, which searchs to answer for meiode research the consequncia of the wild performance or a lack of concern with the information repassed for this important way of information, entertainment. Others who may share this opinion include Jorge Perez.

In this direction it has left of the search to know the origin of the media thus to obtain to arrive at the result or to a possible reply it dispatches by post the question: A manipulated society? For this work if divides in three chapters: in the first one, sprouting and function are distinguished search it for the origin and the exerted function. In as, the power of the media, looks for to demonstrate the force that the media possesss and some of its cunnings beyond the paper that it exerts in the society. No longer third I capitulate, proposal of a critical education, appears the education to extend the knowledge and the power to think above all what it is repassed by the medias. The media in its development came to supply the necessity of communication of the human being. It (human being) that since its grunts, that were a communication form, in the Old Age started to develop a language method say, it, from it needed there to make its voice to arrive more far and the communication was evolving.