
The best ones of the best artists of the world. Huge artists, beings prepared and adapted to become the best ones of the planet. To each movement, a new magic that fascinates those that richly has the chance to see such spectacle. Metric of the assayed steps; musical comedies, dances, acrobatics and circus magic in air. Complexity, homogenia and ousadia in its fabulosas presentations.

Something surreal, a Majesty who shines ahead of our eyes. Under the focos of light the elements that suddenly appeared at every moment. The auditorium of the world all is magic and admirably they do not believe what its eyes analytically observe. Fbula seems one, but it is real. The wonderful artists have the capacity to give life to the playful world of fbulas. It is so real that we feel part of this undisputed magic that gains colors, forms and rhythms ahead of our eyes. We intently attend the show of the Cirque du Soleil, thinking in when we will come back to again glimpse of this fbula alive.

The magnitude of the presentations is so dense that I can say that the beings that give to life the majestical presentations are super-men. Of China for the world The art of the circus cannot die and never to die thanks to the chronicles fabulosamente told by Cirque du Soleil. Happy that one that has the chance to see is wonder. They had lacked words to define the expressive complexity presented by the professional and artistic body that works technique, art, movement, context and show in a homogeneous miscellany that results in art and emanates art. The art if quimioluminsciamente establishes with the artist and the art if it becomes artist and vice versa, in one only literal movement. Art of the artists, artists of the arts Ahead of this inexplicable movement we are hipnotizados. Magically let us hang in air with the trapezistas. We dive in a infinitude of pleasure, visual magic and spiritual. Colors, light, flowers, poems, movements, art, sublimely Soleil. We come across ourselves with a eletroquimioluminescncia of information. A rainbow of emotion, precision, attitude and magic. Metrically magnificent. Bravely Cirque du Soleil! The biggest circus movement of the planet. A magic that surpasses the insupervel. Simply Soleil. The spectacle that does not stop to enchant the innumerable auditoriums of the world. Soleil spectacularly Soleil.