Hello and welcome my dear entrepreneur, in this post I will try on how use the debts to be able to move forward with your business or attimino.A quite delicate and important topic in economics.Now let’s look at debt pay deu.das many people used debt not as tools to grow economically, invest, or start a profitable business that helps them meet their needs, but otherwise, use the leverage that provides them with debt to pay another debt, etc and sink more into that circle vicious and harmful to its own economy. We ask to Robert Kiyosaki. Credit: Ken Kao-2011. As Robert Kiyosaki already said it: there is a good and a bad debt in the current economy.Good debt is it you put money in their pockets.Bad debt is that removes it.Most have bad debts and if they have the opportunity to have a good debt, they perceive it as debt mana and reject it either way.Everything is in the mentality. Bad debt. With regard to bad debt I mean that many people who do not have or you have lot of money goes to use a credit card and buy things at a certain quantity is something recommendable but not in excess, e.g.
wasting money on unnecessary festivals and amusements that are not adequate for the moment.Not only they are spent in vain, but that they spend they still haven’t earned the problem is that not only spend money that does not have but do so in affairs or non-productive things for its future. Good debt. What makes the other percentage of people (a powerful minority economically and socially) is that when they started were concerned about their future and instead of using debt to give how many tastes and have fun, did to create business, form a whole list of ventures that today they give you a cheque for profits. Now yes, this spersonas can indulge yourself spend all you want on superfluous things because they have a support that not only are their businesses but his winning mentality and knowledge to continue to create wealth where it is. I say goodbye and wish you the best. Original author and source of the article