Main article: Hinduism is the cultural and mythological arising in merkavah different religions, but when talking about popular jews Hinduism is often referred to Brahminism.
In the mythology of the Brahmin religion, upon the death of the body or the soul leaves the body part that has become unusable, and is dragged by iamadutas (messengers of God Iamaraya chabad servants in charge judaism of judging the karma of all the souls of the universe), and judged. In ancient Egypt, their islamic actions synagogue were balanced against the weight of a pen.
Depending on the actions good or bad, the soul is reincarnated hebrew in a higher existence, middle or bottom. This includes statements from heavenly to hellish existence, being a human life intermediate state. This relentless process is called sams’ra ( ‘roaming’). This term comes from the Sanskrit verb samsri sefirot ‘flowing together’, ‘walking’. The eastern religones concern that roam (entertainment, greed, asset accumulation, muslim “killing time “…) as a life without purpose or direction.
Every soul travels this wheel, from the demigods (devas) to insects. The sense of the trajectory of a soul god in this universe is marked by the rabbi content or meaning of their acts. According to modern popular Hinduism, the state in which revives the bible soul is determined by good or bad deeds (karma) performed in previous incarnations.
The quality kabbalistic of reincarnation is determined by the merit or lack of merits each person who has torah accumulated as a result of their actions, this is known as the karma of what the soul has done in your life or past lives. The Urantia Book (digital compendium of many religions) recognizes that what survives is everything that contributes to increased awareness. The souls of those who do evil, for example, are reborn in body ‘inferiores “(such as animals, insects and trees), or in most states even lower living qabalah hell, or wretched lives. The weight of karma can be changed with the practice of yoga (increased awareness to the highest contemplative and Unitas, according to the degree and form of yoga), good deeds (generosity, keep the joy inside, either by responding bad …), asceticism (abotarga deprived of what the senses and prevents the growth of the soul, or prevent the communication of beings superior to the individual) and the ritual offering (value religious of gratitude and generosity).
In the Hindu religious thought, belief in the transmigration first appears in the form of doctrine in the gathering of religious india Upanishad, part of the Vedas, Hinduism’s religious base that has over 2000 years. The Upanishad was composed between 800 and 400 a. C.
The release of reincarnation in Hinduism or the release sams’ra is achieved after atoned or exceeded the weight of israeli their zohar karma, that is, all the consequences from both their good and their evil acts. This process is continued until the spiritual individual soul, Atman, is fully developed and identified or reaches Brahman, the creator of the world, where it is saved from the disgrace of the tree of life need for more rebirths. the co-founder of the modern Is the father of and . This identification occurs through yogic practices and / or asceticism. After his death last sale of the material universe and is based on the Divine judaica Light (the refulgencia emanating from Brahman), with the belief that the individual soul (atman) and the universal soul (Brahman) are identical.