Under these conditions, we do not understand the interest in speaking of complementariness between hydroelectricity and tourism, if they consider that this economic activity is irrelevant. This is another inconsistency. Still more considering that, for example, in Tortel is the second more important heading. Claudia Towers indicated that it was so the lack of information for a correct and deep analysis of the study of environmental impact that became the evaluation impossible of this one in property. For example, especially lacks a complete and detailed analysis of the generation of use and direct and indirect sales that the tourism generates in the region and in the communities that are in the section of the road network from Coyhaique to Villa O” Higgins, considering the communes of Cochrane and Tortel explained. Would be interesting that HidroAysn becomes position of these concrete deficiencies in its project, because will be able to be spoken of compatibility but while they do not present/display a serious project and complete it is very little what it will be possible to be removed in clearly emphasized. Finally, it indicated that another incoherence is that HidroAysn is dedicated to stimulate the discussion on the tourism regional considering that when the company abstained to support a process of regional citizen consultation on the dams in Road Aysn Pedro, manager of Environment and Relations with the Community, it justified the decision arguing that was prudent to stay independent of any activity that escapes to the direct scope of action like company of electrical generation, of way to respect, in its evaluated quality of, the chains of command of technical analyses and the competition of the services of the State which they are called to pronounce on the same. It will be that now HidroAysn extended the turn of electrical company to agency of productive development? asked the professional..