General Information

The anxiety in this sense is very similar to the fear, and indeed, shares a number of characteristics in common with other emotions, as for example anger. Emotions arise at any given time, are a reaction to a specific situation, have a duration in time, and are accompanied by physiological responses. Anxiety then it is an emotional reaction that arises in situations of alarm or ambiguous situations, or of uncertain outcome, and prepares us to act against them. We feel this reaction usually as an unpleasant experience with which we are alert against the possibility of a negative result for our interests. When we anticipate that something can be negative or go wrong, we begin to worry and get nervous. At the same time we are activating a series of physiological and personal resources that prepare us to cope with this situation. However, on occasions, arise false alarms. Activate us without knowing very well the cause.

Sometimes anxiety arises simply because we are worried that others will realize our State of nervousness, or because they concern us the things that we think or feel when we are nervous (normally, the possibility of losing control), or because we give too much importance to some physiological responses (tachycardia, increased breathing rate, sweating) that trigger anxiety. When we are nervous we have more negative thoughts, even though they are a manifestation of anxiety, in turn generating more anxiety. Therefore it is said that anxiety is circular in nature: when we review our concerns, we activate more; If we are concerned to have anxiety, this will increase. The associative learning (associating stimuli with a situation) plays a very important role in the boxes of anxiety. We can see us faced with a situation which is not dangerous or threatening, however, generates us anxiety. We can even remember in the past we could tackle it without fear or even even prestabamos you attention. In this case it is likely that we can remember it existed initially in that anxiety appeared in such situation and from there the situation was associated with negative States (anxiety). The fear of the reaction of anxiety leads some people to avoid situations which arose before this reaction, thus avoiding the anxiety arises, however, this avoidance which increases fear and insecurity towards them, so when we can not avoid them, will emerge stronger anxiety reactions. So come to develop phobias. If we want to reduce anxiety in certain situation, need to be exposed to it little by little (successive approximations), controlling each time a little more progress even though the nervousness is present and encouraging us for every small success. If you want to know more about this topic and others of psychology, or if you want to make me a free and personalized online consultation enters original author and source of the article