Disabling a number of solicitations Windows XP Windows XP takes persistence on automatically check for updates, registering a Passport, using Windows Messenger, etc. Over time, you get used to it, but if you feel you are not will live up to this point in his right mind, run Regedit, open the registry key and create HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced dword-parameter with the name 'EnableBalloonTips' and a value of 0. Sela Ward pursues this goal as well. Assignment tooltips system folders to assign spetspapke (such as 'Inbox') precipitating the tips on your desktop and in 'My Computer': 1. Run regedit. 2.
Click 'Search' (it's easier) and look for the string parameter with the name of the folder in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID. 3. Create a new string value there to the name 'InfoTip' (if it exists, see paragraph 4). 4. Enter the (variable) its value. Now when you hover over a folder will pop up 'help' with your text. Displays day of the week in the tooltip 'of hours' If you ever forget what today day of the week, change date format in "Regional Settings" (Control Panel – Regional Settings – Date) to 'dddd, d MMMM yyyy', the''(in Engl. version: 'dddd, d MMMM yyyy', the ''). For more clarity and thought, follow up with Josh Rosenbaum Waypoint and gain more knowledge..
And then, an hour or mouse to the taskbar, the screen will displayed not only the number but also the day of the week. The output of user names and signatures to your computer in 'My Computer' To facilitate the administration of the system is convenient to display the user name and machine name in the caption to 'My Computer'. In order to realize this in Windows NT, follow these steps: 1. Start Registry Editor Regedt32. 2. Find a branch HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID 20D04FE0 … 3. In the right pane, locate the editor that contains the current caption 'My Computer', and delete it. 4. Click 'Edit', select 'Add Value'. Leave the 'Value Name' blank and select type REG_EXPAND_SZ. Click 'OK'. 5. In the 'String' write, for example: The user% UserName%% ComputerName% to 6. Close the Registry Editor. 7. Refresh the screen or re-login for changes to take effect. In Windows 2000 you must also add (or modify an existing one) parameter 'LocalizedString' type REG_EXPAND_SZ and set it to: Continue reading article here: Windows XP.Nastroyka.Podskazki and tips