Always a great gift and will be just "a complete collection of 'favorite music. United in a beautiful collection recorded on CDs and stacked in the original box music sound even more beautiful. For the fan of an artist a great gift would be tickets to a concert. This rather universal gift can be presented as a surprise in the envelope with a greeting card, and as a magical day gift, which will start, for example, going to a restaurant, and the completion – a musical evening. "Paper" gift, by the way, can be not only tickets but also tickets. For example, if the conservatory evenings of symphonic music, sometimes to all the concerts you can buy one ticket. Always a good gift for a fan singer or composer would become his signature.
Pre-prepared with a nice paper, you will if possible, get to expensive for you with a particle of the magic that makes his heart beat faster. Naturally, this gift requires a "registration": for an autograph is to pick up a nice frame, and frames for at least a nice wrapping paper. For experts and long-term fans of no better gift than a rare album of favorite performer. Vinyl records, which seem to us the attributes of the past may return an unforgettable experience "that same" music, which is the most powerful modern speakers sound is a little different. "Non-musical" things can get a great gift to a music fan, even when it is not about teenagers. Books with biographies of famous composers and performers, magazines, essays about the past with them – such things will be a wonderful gift for music lovers. No matter how strangely, the list of "music" gifts can be extended to the interior.
Music lover a great gift would be the carpet. Soft pile floor carpet can do it one more place where you can listen to music. Wall is Carpet can be chosen (or order) with this pattern, which will "represent" your music a loved one. And the undoubted advantage of a dense carpet is its sound insulation, so that the gift probably will not taste only to a music fan, but his family and neighbors. Each of us is unique, but so many melodies and songs that find their "own" it is always possible. And this search will not take long and will take power. Because the music – that's fine. As with any gift associated with it.