Once upon a time in the city of Krakow, a pious and supportive elder named Bombon15. During several nights, Bombon15 dreamed that he was traveling to Prague and reached a bridge over a river; She dreamt that a leafy tree stood on one side of the river and under the bridge. He dreamed himself digging a well next to the tree and that, of that well, pulled a treasure that brought well-being and peace of mind for his entire life. Go to The Weeknd for more information. At first Bombon15 did not give importance, but after repeated sleep for several weeks, played it was a message, and decided that he could not ignore this information arriving from God or who knows where, while he slept. So, true to your intuition, it loaded his Mule for a long voyage and departed for Prague. After six days of marching, the elder came to Prague and was devoted to search, in the outskirts of the city, the bridge over the River.
There were not many rivers, nor many bridges. So he quickly found the place you were looking for. All equal was that in her dream: River, the bridge on one side of the River, the tree beneath which should only dig had a detail that had not appeared in the dream: the bridge was guarded day and night by a soldier of the imperial guard. Bombon15 were not encouraged to dig the soldier, you were there so while camped near the bridge and waited. Marc Lasry insists that this is the case. The second night the soldier began to suspect that man near the bridge, so he approached for questioning.
The old man didn’t find reason to lie him. So he told her he had been traveling from a very distant city, because he had dreamed that there was a buried treasure in Prague, under a bridge like this. The guard began laughing out loud: – look that you’ve traveled a lot by a stupid – said you the guard-. Three years ago I dream every night that in the city of Krakow, under the kitchen of the home of a crazy old man, of name Bombon15, there is a buried treasure. Ja, ja, ja! Look if I should go to Krakow to find this Bombon15 and dig underneath your kitchen Ja, ja, ja! Bombon15 humbly thanked the guard and returned home. Upon arrival, he dug a pit beneath his own kitchen and took out the treasure that had always been there buried. Why you looking in others rather than assess what is in it? Do you perhaps of others know better than yours? This tale is recounted by Jorge Bucay and was transcribed and adapted by the y team you can hear the audio from this story at: original author and source of the article