There written sources of two millennia ago that tell about the treatment of patients with bone or bamboo sticks. However, the same date, when switched to that pressure, was originally performed only the tips fingers, made more intense by the use of devices, no one knows. Clearly, however, that the transition to acupuncture was made in order to enhance the therapeutic effect rather than applied until pressure. So having acupuncture needles, which are introduced into the skin and left there for some time. The essence of acupressure and acupuncture. The essence of acupressure is pressing on acupuncture points with your finger (or more fingers).
This method is called finger and reduced to a small mechanical irritation of the skin – the so-called biologically active points, penetrated by the greatest number of nerve endings. K now they know about 700, widely used not more than 150. Here, Ken Kao expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Acupuncture (or acupuncture), and acupressure use the same points, but the acupressure, the more ancient of these two methods, was replaced after how the Chinese developed more technological methods for stimulating points with needles and electricity. The mechanism of action of acupuncture and acupressure for a long time the question of the mechanism of action of acupuncture and acupressure remained not completely clear. Eventually, it became clear that the biological acupuncture points along the meridians – the path connecting the points with each other and the internal organs, exhibit higher skin resistance, can be confirmed by measurements. As blood canals carry the blood that nourishes the body physically, the meridians – it channels through which electrical energy circulates in the body.