Many of it are trained as to speak as if to direct to some type of people but people of good, or interesting to its ministries, it is very difficult ve them in missions where the people are passing hunger or have an illness danger, or has that there to deal with people that does not have conditions of personal hygiene, therefore they are very fine and they would not support to see something that to the eyes of them is nojento, they would enter by means of slum quarters and never they prevent contact with favelada people therefore they do not want to be confused all practise a ritual of personal hygiene and clothes and footwear and everything that of the idea of elegance, live with mourning to see poverty or situations of illness, to go to a hospital alone will be in the section of the hall but to have contact with sick people if something well fast possible if with much recommendation medicates not to leave the visits to arrive for much time, and good for emphasizing that for each rule to an exception, to enter in places, or with illnesses everything must have balance with the hygiene. we can like to use good things, but this cannot be base to disapprove the ones that do not have same conditions and yes to assist them to have it better conditions, but these such only thinks about them and wants to be close to people who offer something to them when make some thing aim at return or some I benefit pra itself, or Gloria of men, this is not rule for all the seminaristas and nor for all you lead them of the evanglicas denominations nor for the agencies missionaries and rule for that thus they have acted and entered in the workmanship of God to be opportunist and escandalizadores of the Evangelho because of its greed, these will be made use to fulfill all the normative requirements that oppose the Word of God not to lose good, nor its ranks, nor its headquarters, I oppose for it go to increase its patrimonies with the fulfilment of normative requirements that oppose the Word of God these lead are them of the denominations that will be the church of the future. . .