The Synthesizer

It is desirable in the process of composing, or immediately after writing down what happened, for example on tape, recorder, in memory of the synthesizer or computer. If nothing happened – you can always erase it, and "caught" by accident once the punch line, a musical idea can ever irretrievably lost. If you get something of value, listen to it again and again on the subject of whether or not it like you own and if you can not remember the other famous songs, music of this tune after a few times always listen to the recordings made. If in the process listening to their records, or directly during the creation of music or song, a laid-back creative improvisation, you realize that something precious has turned out, listen to it again and again for that, like whether it is entirely, or some places you own, if you can not remember the other famous songs, music with a similar melody. If you do not like your work, or you find something similar – start all over again. Draw liked the music, the songs in digestible form, improve, strengthen and develop it if your product or part you like and you have not noticed plagiarism, try to arrange your favorite part of a more or less digestible form, improve, strengthen and develop it. For example, if there is a basis for melody, play it on the synthesizer for accompaniment is, compose a verse to the song created by the music, sing this verse, the guitar, create a music track on your computer, etc.