The compostagem was used for many of the old civilizations with the objective to keep the high degree of sophistication of its agricultures. In such a way, it was developed fertility of the ground with the addition of organic substance. In India, the technique was used well until recently, however, World War II had after occurred great transformations in agriculture, transferring itself to use it synthetic chemical products, schemes sophisticated, cultivation, genetic manipulation of seeds etc. However, with the Crisis of the Oil in the decade of 70 and the consequent increase in the prices of the agricultural insumos, it was transferred to argue it alternative that they were opposed to the conventional agricultural system. However, the search for these alternatives did not last much time and what it is observed currently are inherent problems the pollution caused factors among others, forthe superproduction of garbage. The garbage is responsible for the contamination of the hdricos resources through the penetration in the sheet fretico, for example; causing directly or indirectly damages biodiversity, also to the health human being. In such a way, currently one has searched solutions to this problem, over all in what each time of lixos generated for the society says respect to the deposition of bigger amounts. To this problem the high relative costs to the collection are added, have carried and destination from the garbage.
These factors make with that such residues are, most of the time, deposited in lixes the open sky. Few cities possess sanitary or controlled aterros, processes of incineration or plant of compostagem. In accordance with Garden (1995), the average composition of the domiciliary garbage in Brazil is composed basically for the following elements: organic material, paper, plastic, glass and metal. Thus, the processes of treatment of these lixos could be made from the selective discarding, breaking up the reciclvel material of the organic one.