San Franciscan Culture

The principaisafluentes are in the state of Minas Gerais that it supplies about 70% of the dorio water, in an approach passage of 700 km, with area of draining of 243.000 km2o that it corresponds 41% of the area of the state. 1 Figure: 01 Source: Adapted by the author In tempospassados the fishing activity put into motion the economy of the marginal cities, but with the degradation of the environment this activity comes losing to each diaque passes its space. In the city of Buritizeiro this activity teminfluenciado in the economic and cultural questions in the region. Everything what capturado for the fishing he is commercialized in the city and the region, between oscomunitrios, tourist and restaurants mainly of the city of quefica Pirapora to side of the city of Buritizeiro. Localization of the Area the deBuritizeiro City this located in the Zone of the High San Francisco Medium in the North deMinas General, to the left edge of the river San Francisco (figure 02). Tropical city declima, the access if of the one for the BR -040; -135; -496; 365. Emque in recent years with the advance of the capitalism is a city has suffered very with ambient adegradao, bioma closed has its space diminished for aintroduo of cultivations. Today in its extension many deeucaliptos plantations exist, coffee and soy.

The permanent use of agrotxicos in the plantations makes comque the quality of the water in the river San Francisco is engaged, and ahead it fishes to dessasituao also suffers it a decline. Figura02 the fisherman and its relation of work pescariaenvolve very the relation of the fisherman with the river, the knowledge acquired and that repassado of generation the generation throughout the years; for many vezesaperfeioados, that is a factor that becomes very important in the hour of if lanarao river and to capture the fish. According to Claval, (2001 .p.63) Addition doscomportamentos, knowing of them, the techniques, the knowledge and the valoresacumulados ones for the individuals during its lives and, in one another scale, peloconjunto of the groups of that they are part.