Moscow House

– The film was invited to various film festivals. On one of them – in Sevastopol – he was expelled from the competition program the very day of the show. I was told that it happened for political reasons – the author's view movie we supposedly do not share. – It turns out that this is a political film? – No policy is not there. There are no political statements, I did not shoot presidents. In simple people I met in .

All of them were direct witnesses to the events of August. Apparently, the organizers of the festival in Sevastopol their evidence is not interested. It is for this I see a naked policy. – Do your reaction to the film by the Georgian side? – The Georgian sites I read news reports about the premiere at the Moscow House of Cinema. Neither negative nor positive reviews of the Georgian colleagues, I have not heard. Perhaps they will be performed on the show the movie in ria 'News' on the anniversary of the war. Everyone is free to ask or answer the questions posed in the movie – who will explain to mothers why their sons died, their wives who will explain why they were widows who respond to children why they were left without fathers? Cinema can only pose the question, it does not solve political problems. – But in this situation, cultural figures, including filmmakers, can do more than policy.

– It's true. But today the political elite is inconsistent and illogical. Cultural workers is difficult to find an opportunity to speak often and loudly. Great Patriotic War, won not by politicians, and unite the people. Theaters and movie studios then continued to work in the evacuation. They had the opportunity to speak loudly to people. Today's politicians are ambitious and want to talk more about yourself. – Speaking of the director Akim Salbievym, we can not ask him about future plans. – When I was shooting 'August. ', I thought that a year should go back to this story. What has changed? What happened to the heroes of this film? What was , a year after the events? The answers to these questions may provide a basis for the next documentary.