Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was born in 15 of October of 1844 in Rcken, in the prussiana Saxnia. Son and grandson of protestant shepherds, Nietzsche lost the father in 1849 prematurely and was to the cares of the mother, the grandmother and of older sister. In 1858 she got a scholarship for the school of Pforta and 1864 she entered the University of Bonn, to study theology and filologia. One moved, in 1865, to the University of Leipzig, for indication of the master Friedrich Wilhelm Ritschl, thanks to who, still to the 25 years, Nietzsche was contracted by the University of Basilia as university professor of classic filologia. In this phase, she composed musical workmanships to the way of Schumann, made friendship with Richard Wagner and she knew the philosophy of Schopenhauer. In 1870, during the war Franc-prussiana, Nietzsche it served as voluntary nurse and one month later, very sick, had to come back to give lessons. In 1872 aus published Die Geburt der Tragdie dem Geiste der Musik (the Birth of the Tragedy in the Spirit of Music), that it anticipates the essential lines of its thought and became a classic in the history of the aesthetic one. In this book, Nietzsche supports that the tragedy Greek would have appeared of the fusing of two components: apollonian, that it represented the measure and the order, and the dionisaco, symbol of the vital passion and the intuition.
Scrates, when imposing the apollonian racionalista ideal, would have caused the death of the tragedy and the gradual separation between thought and life. The ten last sessions constitute a rapsdia on the renaissance of the tragedy from the spirit of the music of Wagner. In its following workmanships, as Unzeitgemsse Betrachtungen (1873-1874; Consideraes Inatuais), where exalta the pessimism of Schopenhauer, and Menschliches, Allzumenschliches (1878; Human being, Too much Human), where if he shows converted to the Iluminismo and he makes the first attacks to the Christian moral, Nietzsche displays some of its more forceful ideas, developed still in Die Frliche Wissenschaft (1882; The Gaia Science), Jenseits Von Gut und Bse (1886; It stops Beyond the Good and of the Evil) and Zur Genealogie der Moral (1887; On the Genealogy of the Moral), in shining and demolishing aforismos.