In accordance with the periodicals, Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI) wants to raise its capacity of financing in US$500 billions, with the purpose to make front to the aggravation of the crisis of the debt in the Europe, had said sources. The Managing Advice of Deep the Monetary International, that if congregated in the tuesday, identified a potential necessity of financing of the order of US$1 trillion in the next years, explained a spokesman. For still being studying as this it will be fact, the FMI did not give details, but sources had said that an extra effort will be asked for to the emergent countries. A representative of the G-20 group, that asked for not to be identified, said to the Net of Bloomberg Television that the FMI is pressuring Brazil, Russia, India and China, called the Bric’ s -, beyond Japan and of the exporting countries of oil, to make the biggest possible contributions.
The FMI waits that an agreement is closed in the meeting of the ministers of Finances of the G-20, in days 25 and 26 of February, in Mexico, it affirmed. However, in exchange for more resources, the emergent countries go to pressure for more voice and power inside of the financial and monetary Institution the used argument, also for Brazil, is that the current division of quotas does not reflect the weight of the emergent countries in the global economy. Brazil is made use to help, but the government already left clearly that any arrives in port will have to be atrelado to an increase of the participation of the emergent countries in the FMI. It does not have values defined on this aid, that if you assume that it will not arrive the US$ 20 billion. After the meeting of the advice, the director-controlling of the FMI, Christine Lagarde, said in note that the organism is searching ways to extend these resources, today in US$385 billions. It affirmed: ‘ ‘ The biggest challenge is to answer to the crisis in adjusted way, and many executives had standed out the necessity of collective efforts to contain the crisis in the zone of euro and to protect the economy global’ ‘. Strengthening the concerns of the crisis in the countries of the Zone of the Euro, the World Bank (Bird) alerted yesterday for a global deceleration and made one appeals so that the emergent countries if prepare for a bigger shock that of 2008.
‘ ‘ The emergent countries need to prepare themselves for pior’ ‘ , ‘ affirmed the Bird in the report; ‘ Perspectives for Global’ Economy; ‘. The Bird reduced the projection of growth for emergent this year passing of 6,2% for 5,4%, and of the rich countries, 2,7% for 1,4%. With this, the global economy must only grow 2.5% in 2012, and the Zone of the Euro must be contracted in 0,3%, one of worse the index since the creation of the European currency. Brazil would have expansion of 3,4% this year and 4,4% in 2013.