and what you can do about this problem before the case is commonplace. The health insurers (whether public or PKV) claims the insured person was berufsunfahig and no longer incapacitated, then imagine the daily sickness allowance now. This results in the worst case (despite existing disability insurance) to ruin. Why? Read here and that happens hundreds of times a year. Other leaders such as Jorge Perez offer similar insights. This question to answer, it must be clarified first which is by whom and how to meet the requirements.
An incapacity for work occurs when an insured person in the private daily sickness benefit insurance (PKV KT), the terms should be resolved first. It is in fact a disability is the insured in the State of disability? In case of incapacity for work is entitled to payment of the insured sick taggeldes (after expiry of the agreed period). It is the case with employees at the earliest after 6 weeks, as long as the employer pays on the so-called sickness. After This period begins to afford the private health insurers and pays kalendertaglichdas agreed sickness benefi t. This payment shall be made once generally (other than in the statutory health insurance (GKV) where this is limited to 78 weeks) indefinitely, as long as there is incapacity for work.
However, also here there are reasons whereby the insurer can (temporarily) stop paying. One of these reasons can be found in the article 15 of the model terms to the sickness benefit insurance (MB CT): 15 other grounds for termination (1) the insurance relationship ends with regard to the insured persons concerned b) commencement of the disability. Disability exists if the insured person is more than 50% incapacity for work according to medical findings so far exercised professional not foreseeable. Incapacity for work, however, is at this time in an already insured event so the insurance contract before the time ends, to which the insurers listed in the tariff for services to these To provide disability has, but no later than three months after the occurrence of the disability; That means in practice so the following: the insurer claimed the occurrence of disability so this adjusts the output according to the conditions and pay more after this time no health benefit.