INTRODUCTION In the previous decades the fly-das-fruits had been considered the main plagues of the orchards of goiaba. Atuamente, the plague that has required bigger frequency of control, in the state of So Paulo, is the psildeo. The agricultural region of Jaboticabal-SP, is distinguished for being the producing greater of goiaba of this state. The plague that has required more applications of agrotxicos in this region is the psildeo Triozoida limbata (Enderlein, 1918) (Hem.: Triozidae), followed for the Anastrepha fly spp. (Dipt.: Tephritidae), the yellow beetle ferruginea Costalimaita (Fabr., 1801) (Col.: Chrysomelidae), gorgulho of the goiabeira Conotrachelus psidii (Marshall, 1922) (Col.: Curculionidae) and the Leptoglossus chinch-bug gonagra (Fabr., 1775) (Hem.: Coreidae). He is of the knowledge scientific technician and who joaninha of the Coccinellidae family) is important natural enemy coleopters of psildeos (MISHAUD, 2001). In the culture of goiaba, Barbosa et al (1999) had cited as ccomplishing of biological control of Triozoida sp.: joaninhas, arachnids, crisopdeos, sinferobdeos, sirfdeos, tacndeos, estafilindeos, nabdeos, cecidomdeas flies, calciddeos microhymenopteras, etc.
However, the biological control and the cultural measures do not obtain to keep the psildeo of the goiabeira in low infestations. Thus, the agriculturists of this region had started to use the insecticides fenitrothion (Sumithion 500 EC), fenthion (Lebaycid 500), dimethoate (Dimetoato CE), metamidophos (Hamidop 600), lambda-cyalothrin (Karate Zeon 250 CS), carbosulfan (Marshal 200 SC) and acephate (Orthene 750 BR) in the control of the psildeo. Details can be found by clicking Jessica Michibata or emailing the administrator. However, these insecticidal ones generally do not possess register in the Ministry of Cattle Agriculture and Supplying for this plague in goiabeiras. Currently only the insecticide imidacloprid (Proven 200 SC) is registered for Triozoida limbata. In accordance with Parajulee & Slosser (2003), the natural plagues and enemies must directly be monitored in leves and the fruits or by means of traps specific of capture. Thus, the knowledge of agroecossistema as a complex ecological unit, makes possible the perfectioning of programs of integrated handling of plagues (MIP).