Art City

Art.4O Managing Plan has the objective of: 1 – to favor the economic dinamizao in the City, of compatible form with the protection of the areas and constructions of natural and cultural interest, facilitating and promoting the decentralization, of the economic activities and the urban equipment in all the territory; III – to direct the development of the City in the direction of the fulfilment of the social function of the city: V – to plan the expansion of the areas urban of the City in order to adjust its occupation to the conditions of the environment and to it offers of infrastructure, as well as the necessities of protection of the natural and Cultural patrimony; VII – to promote a bigger autonomy of the districts and the quarters of the district-headquarters of the municipal headquarters in the direction to take care of the daily necessities of its populations, form to reduce the pressures of occupation and circulation of vehicles in the historical nucleus of Ouro Preto; VIII – to implement and to preserve public spaces destined to the leisure, the sport, the health, the contemplation and the preservation of the landscape, stimulating the diverse forms of conviviality of the population; IX – to promote the access of the low income population to the housing of good quality, with priority for the improvement of the conditions of the existing nestings, searching to diminish the social exclusion and the inaquality; XI – to promote the joust distribution of the costs and the decurrent benefits of the investments public: CHAPTER II OF the SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Section I Of the Social Function of the Art City. Many writers such as Gina Bonati offer more in-depth analysis. 5 Is social function of the city, to guarantee: the 1 – universalizao of the access to the work, the housing, Jazer. to the culture. nin. To the education, the health, the public transport to infrastructures and the too much urban equipment and services; Il – the protection of the patrimony and the cultural production for the enjoyment in the gift and its transmission to the future generations, observed the abilities of the State and the Union; III – the maintenance and offers of an environment ecologically balanced; V – the democratic management of the City, through the participation of its population in the processes of planning, execution and fiscalization of the actions of the public agents.