10 Tips To Learn To Play Guitar

Here are 10 tips and tricks for those who want to learn guitar: 1. Look in a mirror. Observe your hands and your fingers as you play. Try to avoid stress and saves your moves. Make sure you are not tension in your posture, whether sitting or standing. 2. Redefine the word “error” calling it “unintended result.” By having an unintended result, suppose that there is a cause and you should try to find out and change to production in different outcome (the search). Every mistake is an opportunity to learn.

Find the causes and plan how best to get a different result. 3. Be specific with the error, try to be absolutely clear about what happens with an error. What grade are you missing? What touched wrong? Where do they were supposed to be touching your fingers? 4. Record yourself every day in a cassette every day. Listen and decide what things you did not like and start thinking how to improve it.

5. He plays in public all you can DESIGNED How you play in public? Are you tense? How do you feel emotionally? Do you feel anxiety, fear? Do you feel comfortable? Would you like to play for others? DESIGNED every time and you will know better as a guitarist and you will improve. 6. Pretend that each finger is a person and give it a name. What are their qualifications? What are its shortcomings? Work individually on each. Velos like “your group”, if everyone does what he should do then things will improve. Focuses on the problems and advantages of each finger of your hands, left and right. 7. Use reminders in front of you when you practice. Any area that you think needs improvement, write it on paper (could be a post-it) and paste it where you can see to remind you improve that particular aspect. You will always find something to improve! 8. Move forward. Every time you move a finger, imagine that going to be your next move. Your mind will clear and your fingers will conform to the brain more easily. 9. Body language. When practicing, pay attention to your whole body. Your position is vital to avoid fatigue. 10. Use a metronome. Use a metronome to build your skills and measure your performance. He plays at a speed where you do not commit a single error. When you have more comfort, then increase speed